More parents today are increasingly concerned about their children's dental health. So, it is no wonder that the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) has predicted the number of pediatric dentists in the United States will increase by 60 percent within the next decade.
If you're taking your child to their first visit to the dentist, you are likely wondering what is important for you to get out of that visit. Read on to find out what questions to ask your pediatric dentist on your child's first visit.
Why Is Caring for Baby Teeth Important?
It is easy to think that caring for baby teeth is unnecessary. After all, they all fall out eventually. However, you may be surprised to realize that baby teeth care matters. Baby teeth play an important role in determining the positioning and health of your child's adult teeth. They also contribute to your toddler's overall health, well-being, and development.
Your pediatric dentist should explain the effects of poor dental care on your child and the functions of baby teeth. Your child needs their teeth to eat and speak properly.
How Can I Care for My Toddler's Baby Teeth?
After learning the importance of baby teeth, you probably have some questions about caring for them. You can ask your pediatric dentist how you can protect your child's teeth. You should teach your child good oral health habits early. And the first step to doing this is teaching them how to floss and brush their teeth.
Your dentist may also instruct you to avoid giving your child sugary snacks to protect their teeth.
What Toothpaste Should My Child Use, and How Much?
Children younger than six often swallow toothpaste when brushing their teeth. This can cause a tummy ache. Dentists recommend using a low fluoride toothpaste for young children. Too much toothpaste may cause fluorosis. A condition caused by exposure to excessive fluoride, where teeth become mildly discolored.
In severe cases of fluorosis, your child's teeth may get yellow or dark brown stains and visible pits. Dentists recommend that children use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste when brushing to avoid fluorosis.
Will You Teach My Child To Brush Their Teeth?
The answer to that question is yes. Pediatric dentists have a lot of experience teaching toddlers how to brush their teeth. They are better placed than parents to teach your children brushing techniques.
When Should My Toddler Start Flossing?
After brushing, another important dental hygiene routine is flossing. If your child has gaps in their teeth, flossing may not be effective. Because children's teeth grow at different rates, it is important to ask your dentist if the time is right for your child to start flossing.
Can Using a Pacifier or Thumb Sucking Affect My Child?
Too much thumb sucking and overreliance on a pacifier may cause your child to develop crooked teeth. So, if you are worried about your child's attachment to their pacifier or thumb sucking, you should ask your dentist to check them to see if there are any noticeable effects.
When Should My Child's Baby Teeth Come Out?
Children's baby teeth come out at different times. But, by age nine, your child's baby teeth should have fallen out. If your child is older than nine and still has their baby teeth, you should consider getting an x-ray to see if they have adult teeth underneath their gums. In some cases, children may only have one set of teeth, so their baby teeth do not come out.
We hope that knowing what questions to ask your pediatric dentist has made you feel more prepared for your child's first visit. But, if you have more questions, get in touch with us, and we will be happy to answer all of them. If you are in Baldwin County and the surrounding areas, feel free to book your child's first dental visit at Bay Pediatric Dentistry.
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Address: 115 Lottie Ln. Fairhope, AL 36532
Mon - Thu 7:30am - 4:30pm
Closed 11:30-1:00pm for lunch every day